Social Network Survey
* Are you * How old are you? * What is your race? * Which of the following do you attend? * If you attend school, what is your ranking? * How many hours per day do you spend studying? * * Which of the following do you own? * How many hours per day do you spend on the internet? * What websites do you visit most frequently? Select all that apply * What is your favorite TV Program(s)? * What do you do while on the Internet? Check all that apply. * How many hours per day do you watch TV? * Do you have a social network page? * If yes, what social network page do you use? Check all that apply. * How often do you use social network? * What type of magazines do you read? * Do you subscribe to any magazines? * Do you read a newspaper? * If yes, which type of newspaper do you read? * How do you learn about new technology? * Which of the following do you use the most? * Which of the following do you use the least? * Have you heard of AIM Pages/Profiles? * Do you use an Instant Messenger? * If yes, which Instant Messenger do you use? * If no, why do you refrain from using an Instant Messenger? * If you use an instant messenger, why do you use it? * Have you ever used AIM (AOL instant messenger)? * If yes, do you currently use AIM? * If yes, how long have you been using AIM? * Where do you use AIM? * How long have you had your current AIM screen name? * What time of the day do you typically use instant messenger? Check all that apply * How would you rate AIM? * If use used AIM, why did you stop? * Would you use AIM to talk to a professor and receive extra help outside of calls if it was used through a school program? For example, you would be able to communicate with a teacher or your entire class. * Have you ever used an instant messenger to contact a fellow student? *

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