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Custom Reports

Custom reports are predefined results representations which differ from the default reports (summary and per-response). This difference is set by a number of modifying rules: including/excluding questions, filtering by time period, applying crosstabulation, and some additional output and layout options. A custom report is a pattern that does not affect the results but modifies their visible representation. Custom reports is a powerful means to arrange the results output, giving the ability to view only the needed results in a needed form. Wherever you want to view answers to specific questions, or within a specific time period, or in a specific layout, you create a new custom report.

For example, many people have answered what brand and price their cell phones are, and expressed their opinions on them. Now due to some reasons, you need to view only the responses of Nokia users, costing $200 and more, and you don't need responses older than one month. So, you create a custom report which you name, say, "This month Nokia users for $200>", and set the corresponding filtering options. After you save the report, you see exactly what you need. Other phones, phones cheaper than $200, and responses older than a month are simply not displayed (but of course, not deleted).

Later you may create another custom report which will filter responses according to another set of rules. There may be as many custom reports created and saved for a survey as you need, so you may always activate a needed report and view results through it.

In the following two chapters creating and editing custom reports are discussed.

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