Affiliate Program Affiliate Program is easy and available for everyone. Whether you are a company or individual, you may apply now and start earning referrer fees!

How It Works

You start with the Affiliate Application Form. After your application has been approved, you are assigned a Referrer ID and instructions on how to link to are e-mailed to you.

The Affiliate URLs we assign you will look like this:

The ID in the URL allows us to track online orders placed by people who used your Affiliate URL to enter and reward you according to the Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions.

Affiliate Program Terms And Conditions

Improper Business Practices

Any referrer activities considered by CreateSurvey as improper are subject to the withholding referrer fees, termination of referrer account and legal prosecution to the maximum extent possible under the law.

Improper activities include, but are not limited to:

Why Be A Referrer

Indeed, why should you be a Referrer when there is where anyone can order the software instantly?

The general answer is: because any effort you put into developing your referrer business (even if it's only putting a link to adds value and will be rewarded.

Now, consider:

Try It Now!

The easiest way to figure out how the Affiliate Program works is to try it. Why not apply if it's so easy? Did we tell you that joining Affiliate Program is free? YES! Joining is absolutely free! Just add your link to start earning referrer fees!

Apply now, get your Referrer ID, place a link at your web site and forget about it for a while... until you find a check in your mailbox.

With our generous fees even a single sale is worth spending 10 minutes on joining the Affiliate Program. What's more, a single "accidental" sale is a good news, because it is very likely to happen again. From that moment you start thinking about achieving a few more sales, and this is how business grows!

CreateSurvey Affiliate Application Form

* indicates required field











