Market Research

In the competitive commercial world, it is vital to have an up-to-date and reliable understanding about how your new or current products, brand, service or organization is operating or being used in the market. Only then can you make truly informed decisions about what your next move will be. With this in view, Internet surveys are becoming more and more popular nowadays, since it is undoubtedly the most cost effective and fastest method of distributing a survey to a large focus group.

CreateSurvey offers a wide range of tools to conduct online market research surveys. Free 14 days evaluation mode allows to test its basic capabilities, while the Pro subscription opens a depth of features including custom design and programming that may fit any company's needs.

Sample 1. Customer profile survey:

Sample 2. Advertising effectivenes survey reveals effectiveness, motivating power, and perception of an advertisement:

Sample 3. Customer feedback on the product is useful to analyze the possibility of repeat purchase:

Sample 4. Partner/B2B survey helps know your partner:

Sample 5. Survey analysis report:

How CreateSurvey helps:

See also:
CreateSurvey Features and Pricing
Sample Surveys

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