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Manage Maillist

To edit/delete saved maillists, or view the sending progress status, from the My Surveys page click on the E-mail Invitations link. A maillists status window will appear, containing information on all lists:

The fields contain the following information:

  • Creation Date: when the list was created.
  • Status: the list status, may be either of the following:
    Creating - a maillist was created and saved for future editing;
    Editing - a mailist was created and later edited at least once;
    Progress - a maillist being currently sent to recipients;
    Finished - a maillist was sent;
    Deleted - a maillist was created, but lated deleted and not sent.
  • Quantity: number of recipients of the maillist.
  • Sent: how many messages have already been sent (in case with running and finished maillists).
  • Delivered: how many messages have been actually delivered to respondents (server did not block the message).
  • Clicked: how many recipients actually clicked on the survey URL and visited the survey page.
  • Responded: how many recipients responded to the message.
  • Available Actions:
      Edit   - enter the maillist editing mode;
      Start   - start the maillist;
      Delete   - delete the list;
      View Details   - view additional details on the maillist, such as delivery information, or download a report for offline use;
      Send Reminder   - send a follow-up message (a new editing mode will open).

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