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Guideline for Branching

Let's see how we can create a common branching survey. Assume that we need to conduct a survey to collect the following responses:

  1. Does the respondent own a car (cars)?
  2. In case he does, how many of them, and what are their makes?
  3. In case he does not, is he going to buy one in the nearest future?
  4. In case he is, how much is he willing to pay for it?

The survey pattern may be illustrated by the following scheme:

As seen from the scheme, there are 3 possible scenarios for the survey, which correspond to 3 different endings. Let's see how it is to be done.

Step 1. Creating a new survey. Click  Add New Survey  at the My Surveys page, then 'I want to create a survey from scratch'. Let's choose the name for the survey: "Family Car".

Step 2. Adding questions. After clicking on Next we proceed to the survey editing section. In it we are now to create all the questions needed for the survey. To do this, click  Question  in the Add New Item box to create the five questions, one by one. Set up question types and response options as follows:

Question 1: Does you family own a car (cars)? (Single choice)
Response options: Yes, No.

Question 2: How much of them? (Single choice)
Response options: 1, 2, 3 or more.

Question 3: What make is your car(s)? (Single line text)

Question 4: Do you plan to purchase a car? (Single choice)
Response options: Yes, No.

Question 5: How much (in US dollars) do you plan to spend on a new car? (Single line text)

What we are having now is the following:

Step 3. Inserting page breaks. Now we need to insert page breaks between the questions. To do it, select the question 1 with its radio button and click  Page Break  in the Add New Item box. Repeat with the questions 3 and 4. The result is as follows:

Step 4. Applying branching options to Page 1. We are going to describe the following steps more in-depth. First, click  Edit Branching Rules  at Page 1. You will enter the branching rules editing mode for the current page. Set the following pattern:
"If answer for the question: 'Does your family own a car (cars)?' meets condition: 'is equal to Yes', then Page 2, else Page 3":

As you finished, click  Save  to return to the survey editing mode.

5. Applying branching options to Page 2. Click  Edit Branching Rules  at Page 2 and set the following pattern:
"If answer for the question: 'What make is your car (cars)?' meets condition: 'is equal to [leave blank field]', then Submit Survey, else Submit Survey":

We did it to end the survey as soon as the question 3 is answered. As you finished, click  Save  to return to the survey editing mode.

6. Applying branching options to Page 3. Click  Edit Branching Rules  at Page 3 and set the following pattern:
"If answer for the question: 'Do you plan to purchase a car?' meets condition: 'is equal to Yes', then Page 4, else Submit Survey":

As you finished, click  Save  to return to the survey editing mode.

Congratulations, we have successfully created a branching survey!

You may view and test this survey using this link:

See also:
Another branching survey

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